The unpredictable environment of the global marketplace can make it difficult for companies to adapt to rapid changes, to have the right people for the right outcomes. Many companies all over the world are recruiting interim management to adapt and succeed in different situations the marketplace might throw at them. 

Interim management is the temporary provision of management resources and skills: a professional with the qualifications, experience and abilities that can help companies achieve their business’ goals. This means that an organisation that is going through a new opportunity, or even a threat, can hire an outside person for a specific time, agreed in advance, to approach these issues.

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity

Servitalent was founded in 2012 by two members of the board of directors of the Association of Interim Management of Spain, Alberto Fernandez (CEO) and Pío Iglesias (COO). They seized upon the gap in the Spanish market for interim management and filled it with Servitalent. They are currently expanding internationally as they are facilitating many European organisations’ move to the Latin-American market.

Alberto Fernandez explains that many of the companies they work with are immersed in what is referred to as a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) environment and to survive these conditions and achieve business success, they need the right tools to adapt and face these ever-changing situations. They are convinced that interim management is the key tool to reach every company’s business goals.

Servitalent | Temporary solutions to help companies thrive

Noticable impact on the organisation

Servitalent assists small- and medium-sized enterprises to understand and put into practice the best way to hire interim managers by combining the more traditional headhunting methods of hiring with new trends to approach this very specific issue.

“We handle the previous evaluations of our interims thoroughly, to determine how effective they were in the companies who requested their services. Yet, we do not consider their previous success as enough of a guarantee. It is necessary for us to evaluate if they will also fit into the culture and existing team of the organisation,” says Alberto Fernandez.

The interim manager has the right skills and experience for the job. They operate at a senior level often being over-qualified for the roles they are taking on. Therefore, their extensive experience and knowledge will make a noticeable impact on the organisation. For that reason, this service is more of an investment for the company rather than a total salary cost. The manager’s role and impact are flexible and wide but time-limited. Once the assignment is fulfilled, they leave without requiring a terminal bonus or severance payment.

Servitalent | Temporary solutions to help companies thrive

Integrate quickly for best results

Sometimes the role of an interim manager is confused with the job of an external consultant. These two roles complement each other. A consultant will diagnose a problem and recommend a solution, but the interim manager will take responsibility and get to work solving it.

The interim manager is usually more objective when determining a diagnosis and making decisions, as they are not as emotionally involved with – or contractually bound to – the company. Still, they work hard to integrate quickly into the structure of the company and with the existing team, mentoring staff along the way, to be able to obtain the best results. Especially as having good references and success stories is key to building a career as an interim manager.

This is a relatively new proposition to Spain. Many qualified people could make a career out of interim management, but don’t necessarily know the right steps to follow. This is where Servitalent also helps individuals to achieve their career goals, providing them with training, qualifications and a portal to find the right companies to work for.

“Servitalent is the only company in Spain who endorses their interim managers with a precise process of curricular certification. The goal of this certification is none other than to give transparency and accuracy to the companies who employ this type of service. Companies need to have the assurance and guarantees that they are hiring the right interim manager for the job,” explains Alberto Fernandez.

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